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Paducah Bank partnering with WKCTC to offer seminars for minority entrepreneurs

Paducah Bank is partnering with West Kentucky Community and Technical College to offer two seminars for minority business owners and entrepreneurs.
February 9
“Tools needed in the Toolbox for Success!”
Emerging Technology Center, Room 109 • 5 p.m.
Presenters will include Raymond Daniels, Equity Solutions Group, LLC; Tyrone Tyra, Commerce Lexington; and Daniel Murphy, Sr. Asst. Dean of Community Engagement & Operations/Chief Diversity Officer, University of Kentucky.
Reservation required. Call 270.534.3335
February 23
“Successful Minority Female Professionals, Best Practices and More!”
Emerging Technology Center, Room 109 • 5:00 p.m.
A panel of local professionals includes Courtney Hamilton, Aseer Scott, Mary Pettus-Rowland, Lynne Chambers, Shulorn Hollowell Jeter, and Haley McCoy.
Reservation required. Call 270.534.3335