Smarter money management.

Put your funds to work at Paducah Bank with opportunities for higher returns while keeping them accessible whenever needed. Enjoy the confidence of knowing your financial growth is secure without sacrificing peace of mind.

It's a sure thing

Guaranteed returns

Money Market accounts are like variable rate savings accounts, with regular interest payments.

Better rates

Money Market Accounts out-earn most traditional savings accounts.

No time restrictions

Access your funds anytime - there's no minimum savings period. 

In this market, everyone comes out ahead

Money Market Accounts are popular with everyday savers because they're a sensible step up from ordinary savings accounts, earning interest like clockwork. For more seasoned investors, they're an excellent way to balance out a portfolio, adding welcome stability to the mix. And no matter who you are, or where you are in Kentucky, you'll like the fast access to funds through Paducah Bank checks or Online and Mobile Banking.

  • Interest rates and returns exceeding our regular savings accounts
  • Access money easily through checks and digital banking tools
  • Track growth with a comprehensive monthly statement listing all Paducah Bank accounts
  • Unlike some investments, Money Market deposits are protected by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation up to the maximum amount allowed by law

Open a Money Market account by visiting one of our Paducah or Louisville, Kentucky branches.

Boost your savings easily
Checking to Fit Your Lifestyle
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